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Siawns Teg has taken over the Old Hafren Radio Station in Newtown Park, at the top of the bus station car park.



We have enjoyed working out of 5, Severn Square in Newtown for about 4 years, and in that time we have developed both as an organisation, and in the services we offer.  Now we need to work from a place that is easier for people to access, is closer to the community, and allows for more things to happen.


What things?

Well we need to continue with helping people to feel and be part of the community, and the new venue will make that more inviting as it will be a place with lots going on, and less threatening because of the open spaces.


We will continue to provide one to one support, signposting, learning skills around work and social plans, and formal education around work and life skills.


The big NEW thing is that we want to use this venue for the benefit of the local community.  The venue will provide rooms where ideas can be discussed and shared.  An example is where a recent survey of young people has identified the need for open wifi access in the town.  So getting together a group of interested people can help this idea become reality.


So although Siawns Teg will be responsible for the building, the majority of space will be given up to the community.  We are calling this initiative Open Hub.

Anyone interested in the Open Hub MUST come and say Hello

For more information on Open Hub Download our flyer
Enter file download description here

How to help the Hub

Did you know that a recent consultation process in Newtown highlighted a need to raise the profile of the town, making it themed and attractive for tourists, employers and the community at large?  During the consultation it became obvious that there is no place for people to meet and share ideas and resources on a spontaneous basis.


A permanent location is vital and Siawns Teg have negotiated a long term lease with Powys County Council for the former Radio Hafren building in the bus station car park, where the Hub will be sited.  It will provide consistency, a place to store and progress information, and more essentially nurture a meaningful sense of engagement and participation.  It will also act as a central information hub for:


▪ tourism  
▪ community events 
▪ notice board 
▪ job vacancies 
▪ advertising services
▪ meeting/training venue